Sun Pitcher Plants (Heliamphora) Growing Instructions
Sun Pitcher Plants (Heliamphora)
Sun Pitcher plants are commonly found in the Tepuis of the Guiana Highlands, sandstone mountains located in Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil.
These regions are known for their high levels of rainfall, with an annual average of 0.6 to 8.9 meters, making them a popular setting for "Lost World" stories.
Please always water me from above. I come from a tropical area where it rains a lot so feel free to get my leaves wet too. Always ensure there is water in the centre of my leaves.
Please leave my tray full of water as well, my airy soil mix helps keep my roots cool but I'll dry out if you let the tray empty.
Partly sunny, but not full sun as I don't want to get over 30 degrees. Grow lights indoors are great for me, then you can crank them up as I do love light.
Where to Keep Me
Most people inside as I like it warm but also humid. So a glass tank is perfect for me. I really like lots of light but I don't want to get too hot or I will die.
I may slow down a little when it’s colder but I will grow year-round. This way you can show me off to your friends any time you like.
I will catch my own food, but feel free to drop something in my mouth. I love flies, spiders and any other bugs. Please do not use fertilisers on me as a lot will harm me more than they will help me.
Soil Recipe
I live in an airy mix of long fibre sphagnum, pumice and perlite. If you need to repot me, please do not use regular soil, I will not survive, you can use just long fibred sphagnum.