Mexican Butterworts (Pinguicula) Growing Instructions
Mexican Butterworts (Pinguicula)
The Mexican butterworts hail from south-central Mexico, the centre of their diversity. Many are also natives of the Caribbean islands, Central America, and subtropical regions of Florida, with a smattering of species in South America. They come in all shapes and sizes. Their variety is astounding, linked by the common theme of conspicuous, orchid-like flowers.
In Spring and Summer please keep my tray full with water all the time. However, in Autumn and Winter please let my tray dry out and only dampen my soil occasionally.
It’s best to just put water in my tray, my special soil mix will give me what I need.
Party sunny to bright light. The more I can tan, the better my colours, just be careful as too much sun will dry me our pretty quickly.
Where to Keep Me
I love a hot day and don’t mind cold, even really cold days but I’m not a fan of being snowed on. I can live outside or inside on a windowsill.
In Autumn or Winter I will change from large carnivorous leaves to tightly packed succulent leaves, this rest is really important for me to be strong when Summer comes back around. Please don’t worry, I am not dying, I am just resting. Just remember to cut back on my water a bit when I start making succulent leaves.
I will catch my own food, but feel free to drop something on my leaves. I love little flies, gnats and springtails. Please do not use fertilisers on me as a lot will harm me more than they will help me.
Soil Recipe
I live in a mix of sphagnum peat moss, sand, pumice, perlite and vermiculite. If you need to repot me, please do not use regular soil, I will not survive.